Saturday Chute Clinic

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Saturday Chute Clinic

Post by jlowery » Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:24 pm

It was an excellent day. There were about 10 participants and a few helpers, and of course Betty.

This was my first Betty Pfeiffer chute clinic and I was really impressed. She had a ton of great information, slides, information and tips. She's been doing this for a very long time and had a lot of knowledge to share.

After the initial presentation at the Madera Clubhouse in Quail Creek we went over to the Green Valley fire house for lunch and practice deployments. Pav Dygas and Ross Hughes had rigged several hang points from the beams, including one of Eric Smith's control frames.

After having lunch we got an unhooked-launch demonstration. The only one who could climb into the control frame was Fred Leonard, who did it several times. Dang.

Then on to practice deployments. We got spun, swung and harried in order to simulate the pressure of an actual deployment situation. Each of us had several tries, left- and right- handed (it makes a big difference!) and practice getting out of a hanging harness in a feet-up situation.

Then we went back to the Madera clubhouse for repacks. Betty demonstrated, and then she and Pav supervised while the rest of us gave it a go. There was some more presentation, Fred presented a nice glass plaque to Betty for her service to the club, and then we went back to the tables and finished the remaining repacks.

Tomorrow the PG guys get their turn. There are 17 signed up, so it should be a big day.

Like I said, a terrific event. SAHGA owes a big thanks to Quail Creek for the use of their clubhouse, to the Green Valley FD for the use of their station, and to Gunter, Ross, Jerry, Pav and Betty for making the whole thing such a success. And thanks to all the AHGA guys who showed up to make it a really big turnout.

I'll post pictures as soon as I get them off the digital camera.


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