Fri 8/20 flying report

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Fri 8/20 flying report

Post by RossinAz » Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:30 pm

Gunter, Mick, and Ross made the best use of the day with the retreat of the monsoons and went flying at Mustangs. The hike wasn't bad and all were on top well before noon. The cycles were light with long periods of calm (sink) between. We sat around and by 2pm became quite concerned if flying was even a possibility due to the extremely stable air.
Being fully suited and sweating our butts off made us take the first cycle that appeared. Gunter was off first and maintained while scratching. I was the second off, and got lucky. Hooked a few bubbles and got over by a few hundred feet. Mick soon followed and maintained for awhile only to get drilled by sink. I was behind him and over him in the same sink. Things were looking desperate as we plummeted to the ground. Luckily I saw Mick go through a small thermal but he was too low to work it. Being fully prepared I "S" turned that thermal tightly. Soon I was 360ing my way to cool air. Looking down I noticed Gunter hitched a ride on the same thermal. Yeeha we were off and zooming about to 9000'. We decided to go XC since we had Mick to pick us up and had drifted back to the highway by now anyway. Well that was about the last real bit of lift that I had found and was soon down on the ground by the gravel pit. Gunter must have found one more thermal as I saw him pass me up and head east. Shortly later he phoned me to say he was at Whetstone. All in all it was good fun. Thanks Mick for the chase.

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