www.sahga.com •Paragliding This Memorial Day Weekend
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Paragliding This Memorial Day Weekend

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 2:28 pm
by Gunter
Here is how I see the weekend from a paragliding perspective. (as of 2pm Frid.)

Sat will be blown out for us at Box, Mustangs and Miller.

Sun. morning will be flyable at Box from 10am to 2pm; and at Mustang from 9am to 1 or 2pm. Miller is out of the West.

Mon winds are out of the East and strong.

So in conclusion, presently it looks like Box on Sun am. I will update as we get closer. And call me if you're in (c) 520-906-0182.


Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 4:27 pm
by Guido
Okay, since it is so windy, I will take the weekend off and visit San Diego with some colleagues. Will return at monday. Hopefully the winds are calming down for a nice Glass off......

regards Guido

Sunday PM

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 7:28 pm
by Scott
I'm hoping for a Sunday PM flight at Box.

Sunday Plans

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 8:29 am
by Scott
Red and I are departing Tucson around 3:30 - 4 PM. We'll be in the Box LZ 4:30 - 5 PM. We will be hiking all the way to the top, arriving around 6:30 PM. We are going to collect some dirt from the spot where Arjan died and then hopefully launch into mild glass off conditions for a sunset flight. NWS says ground winds will be NW, winds aloft is saying 290 degrees at 11 knots.

Gunter will meet us out there, but I suspect he will get an earlier start.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 9:22 am
by Gunter
I will plan to be in the LZ at approx. 4:30pm; Be ready to launch from the lower (or most likely below the lower launch) by 5:30 pm. I expect winds to be around 15 at the lower. On another note tomorrow looks similar but slightly lighter winds. Gunter


Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 7:15 pm
by Scott
Gunter punched off the first knoll and flew for an hour and a half maybe. Red and I hiked to the first knoll. I left my glider there and hiked all the way to the top. I collected some rocks, dirt, twigs from the spot where Arjan died and then I hiked back down to the first knoll. (It was honkin on top 20+) I launched from the first knoll just before sunset and found very smooth buoyant air. Climbed well above the top, but found I needed speed bar to penetrate, so I let the trim tabs out and slowly flew out to the LZ. Red and I had a few beers in the LZ, watched the stars, two horses running through the LZ, then we had dinner at the casino around 10 PM.The food was surprisingly good and very cheap.