www.sahga.com •Mt. Lemmon 4th of July Parade
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Mt. Lemmon 4th of July Parade

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:43 pm
by mshacter
I have brought this up a couple times, but was told to add it to the public forum.

Each year up in Summer Haven on Mt. Lemmon, they hold a 4th of July parade where local groups and organizations walk down the main drag (about a half mile) with a float or theme. This is a free event to participate in and as some folks fly Mt. Lemmon it can be some good publicity for the club. If we can get together at least 4 people interested in joining I will pick up some little parachute guys and as part of our ''float'' we can hand those out to the children along the route, we can also make up a sign, and I will walk the route in my gear... Any other suggestions from those who want to participate are encouraged. I hope we can get a group together for this.

If you can and want to join, post to this message and we will start exchanging ideas. They also have a few award categories and if we won one it would look neat on our page. :)

After the parade I will gladly host participants for drinks at my family's cabin and even drive pick up for pilots want to fly.

-Mitch Shacter