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One mile short...

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 8:56 pm
by Eric Tucker
One mile short of a personal best weekend at Mingus.

Flew Saturday and got to 14.4k and landed at Sedona Airport for 21 miles which is one mile short of my previous Mingus best of 22 miles set last year (the 22 mile one's on video for any doubters out there).

Flew Sunday and got to 15.1k and landed next to I40 near Ash Fork for 39 miles which is one mile short of my personal best of 40 miles. I was tempted to try for the Grand Canyon but ran out of steam and decided to land....gotta learn to relax and conserve my energy.

I have a new GPS flight deck and so it's all on record for the idiot doubters.

This XC stuff sure is fun.
