www.sahga.com •"A" mountain possible Saturday
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"A" mountain possible Saturday

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:06 pm
by jlowery
A couple of us are going to try "A" mountain on Saturday. It isn't predicted to be real strong, but it might be enough and the direction looks good.

I should be out there around 9-10 to do any LZ prep before we go up.

If you haven't flown there before, the "A" requires a signed waiver and time to get your name submitted to the city. Eric Smith can provide the details. If you already have your card then come on out, it might be good.


Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:33 am
by SorenTheStorm
John, I don't know if you bailed on your plans or not, but, if not, I'm on call today and available to give you a lift or a hand if you need. I also live right at the base of A-Mountain.

Soren @ 520.261.5525

"A" flight and maintenance report.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:47 pm
by jlowery
Soren - Thanks, but I didn't see this until after we finished for the day.

It was a nice direction but pretty light when we got to launch. We watched it until around 11:30 and decided it wasn't going to blow strong enough. But the ramp was looking terrible so we all went and got tools and materials for patching the cracks and the big washed-out hole at the right side at the end.

After stacking a bunch of rocks to rebuild the wall there, and filling it in with loose material, we capped it with some premix concrete, and Eric, Rafael, Debbie, Terry Kowing and I patched a bunch of holes and cracks with cold patch asphalt. Terry also dug some erosion ditches that got put to good use Saturday night, with 1.5+ inches of hard, driving rain. The ramp is looking much better, even after the severe storms that swept through that night.

And there was actually some aviation committed. After we came back from picking up the tools and material we found it blowing in 15+. So Eric Tucker set up and got a quick flight. After doing a bunch of work on the ramp Eric Smith set up a falcon and got 20-30 minutes, at up to maybe 500 over. Tucker got one last quick flight in.

So, thanks to everyone that helped out, and especially to Rafael for once again donating materials and the use of his equipment.